Tuesday, January 19, 2010

January 19/2010 :: Departure Impending

Day -3 (Cause I haven't left yet)
Mood: A whole mixy mess in my tummy!
Level of Excitement/Crazy: 8.5/10

Hello everyone! Welcome to my official travel blog for my impending trip to the UK for an exchange program with Oxford-Brookes University in (you guessed it) Oxford!! I'm basically all packed for now, save my MP3 player, computer and other essentials that I can't live without for a day.

Oh yes, my mood exactly!

So, beyond the fact that I'm all prepared...I'm also completely crazy. Yup. So in case anyone wasn't aware:

"Hello, my name is Julianne and I'm insane."

And don't deny the truth because YOU KNOW IT TO BE TRUE! Anyone who has hung out with me for more than 30 minutes knows that I'm crazy. Unless you're a coworker...in that case you've probably only seen my professional side. You might have seen crazy me but it's less likely to be true. You certainly haven't met the 'insane me' which is the one talking to you now. I must prove my insanity now by telling you that, while excited, my overriding emotion is that of worry.

Worry over internet once I'm there, finding classes, finances, shipping things back to Canada, finding my way around Oxford. Yada yada. I calm myself down with one of my own little pep-talks. The one where I talk to myself and make my mind aware of all the good things. Because the good things truly outweigh the bad. (Save the internet thing...seriously the internet is about 60% of my life.)

I'm going to meet new people, experience a new country.

I'll be able to to watch the new Doctor Who episodes on the day they air! Come on, I get to see the ragamuffin Matt Smith perform on the day it starts!

Look at this cutie~ I didn't think much of him when he was first interviewed to be the new Doctor but...I like him more and more with the more press he receives. He can never, ever replace the love in my heart for the (oh-so-sexy) David Tennant but I think he'll satisfy my cravings for the Doctor.

*giggles* He's in a cupboard and he's adorable! Drinking his tea. *giggles like a teenager*


Anyway, Doctor Who is awesome and I shall be excited to be over in the country where I won't have to watch it alone, in the dark of my bedroom on my computer screen. *thumbs up*

Other good things include meeting people who are British, meeting people from all over the world. Possibly making it to Cardiff as well as London. I should also very much like to take my courses over there and experience new teaching styles. Mostly I'm excited about meeting new people.

So yeah, that's my life right now. Wooo~ Ain't it grand to get a wee little insight into my deranged addled mind? It's not terribly off-putting I hope. : D I hope to be posting at least a couple times a week with updates of my life.

Departure is this Friday evening, arrival is Saturday morning. Hopefully I shall get a login for the shared computers or wireless and I can send an update to my family as well as update the blog with the TERRIBLY interesting info about my plane ride.

For those who do not often ride in planes it might be interesting. For all those who do ride in planes frequently...it will likely be boring. Skip it. XD

Until the next time I write!!


:: Julianne ::

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