Wednesday, March 31, 2010

March 31/2010 :: Sometimes Professors are Amazing

Day 68
Mood: anxious
Weather: ehhh...could be warmer
Quote: "Ah..ah..ah...*pause*...she's a lesbian."

Some professors aren't teachers. They're eternal students. They enjoy learning and enjoy talking about what they know. They're frequently not the best of teachers. They don't cover everything and they cover with fervour the things that they do enjoy. I know this first hand. I've had professors that just talk at the class. No structure, no flow, just talking in whatever order they fancy about random things that are slightly related to the subject at hand.

But some professors are amazing.

Professor Peter Jones is one such professor. He's my professor in two classes and he's absolutely fantastic. He's engaging when he speaks, he's got structure to his lectures, he's helpful, he answers emails in a short amount of time and above all he's understanding. Plus he runs very good seminars that are different and interesting.

It's fantastic.

I have a lot of profs like this back home. But here I find they're a tad rare. Things aren't done the same way here as they are in Canada.


But anywhoozle~ 2 more classes left and then I'm done for a full 2 weeks!!


And I have one more piece of significant news, for me anyway.

I first got into anime because of a friend when I was 12. She bought the Inuyasha manga and we used to read together all the time. When Inuyasha came on television we used to watch together as well. We parted as friends at 14 but this imprint remained. When high school came around Inuyasha was one of the first animes that I watched in its native Japanese under the influence of another friend. A friend I still hold very dear for helping me shape the person that I am. We used to play 'Count the Kagomes' at conventions and mock how there was never an ending to the show. Just a relentless girl-fest. I never actually watched more than a few episodes and I never read beyond Volume 9.

Finally I finished the manga last year and this week the anime finally finished the story with the last episode of "Inuyasha: the Final Act". It makes me feel nostalgic and happy. I was never a huge fan but I owe most of my life to it. Without Inuyasha I would never have purchased my first manga. I wouldn't have started doodling [poorly as I do] anime styled doodles. I would have never met my greatest friends in high school. I would never have done so many things. I might not have been passionately involved in Inuyasha but it was a deciding factor in my life.

To see it finally end fills me with joy, almost as though finally symbolizing my turn to full adulthood. I do turn 21 this coming month...26 days away. My childhood is finally over and done with and the next stage of my life begins.

I wonder what shall be my inspiration for the next chapter?

:: Julianne ::

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