Tuesday, March 31, 2009

1.2 - Hand it In

Part 1 - Preparing for the Escapade

March 31, 2009

Well, I handed in my application today. I have picked 5 courses, I'll probably drop one so that I have a lighter course load. Things will work out, yes they shall. I hope I have everything filled out properly. I used to worry about that. The meeting on Sunday (March 29, 2009) really cleared things up. If something's not right they'll contact me and ask me to fix it. They won't kick me out.

I'm getting really excited.

I was talking with my friend Melea today, she's going to the Semester Abroad to Poland in Fall of 2009. She's as excited as I am, though it took me a while to get to this stage. She's really lucky to be going with people she already knows, other Guelph people. I go on my own, gosh it's frightening. I'm going to have to meet new people.


But I can do it!

:: Julianne ::

Monday, March 30, 2009

1.1 - Uneasiness Fading

Part 1 - Preparing for the Escapade

March 30th, 2009

Well, it's official. I'm finally excited.

I got accepted to the exchange program 3 weeks ago but I haven't been excited until now. Yesterday (March 29, 2009) I had a meeting with the CIP (Center for International Programs) that went all day. Within it all my questions and concerns were answered. Health care and insurance concerns, money and banking questions etc. Plus, I met people. Cassandra is another girl heading to the same place as me within the same time frame. And I got to talk to other people who knew things about where I was going.

Now I am excited.

My name is Julianne and in January of 2010 I am going on exchange to Oxford-Brookes University in Oxford.

I'm heading to the United Kingdom.

And it is going to be awesome!

:: Julianne ::